Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sorry I wasn't able to update the blog today with pictures. The internet isn't working today very well, so I'm not able to upload files.

Today was another great day. Brandon Quinones led devotions this morning, and Ben and Riley led us in two songs. We had a time of prayer for those who aren't feeling well. Overall, everyone is doing well. Michael has a bit of a fever, but is feeling better. Others are just fatigued and tired. Please pray for strength for the rest of the week.

The highlight of the day was a long, crazy hike we took to some distant mountains. Dean drove us to the base of these mountains, and we attempted to hike to the top. About 2 hours into it, we were running out of daylight and had to turn back. Everyone is determined to go back and make it to the top. I'm sure there will be tons of pix of the trip everyone will be sharing. We ran into a few cactii, a rattle snake, and a few trarantulas...but everyone is great!

I hope the internet is doing a bit better tomorrow.


  1. wow you are like the energizer bunny You keep going and going and going!!! that is crazy climbing a mountain after working in the heat all day!! i cant wait to see the pictures!

  2. It's nice to hear Bub did devotions, hope all complaining has ceased! ;-) We have so much to be grateful for, as God has blessed us richly! Keep up the good work and we'll continue to pray for safety & good health!

  3. Are the mountains out there as big as I think they are? Haha... if they are, that would be quite an endeavor, to get up and back down in sunlight.
