Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The building site

The pictures above are of the foundation of the new baby home! By God's grace, a couple years from now, this will be a building that adopts babies into solid, Christian families!

Can't wait to be there!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Evenings at the Ranch

[This is the view to the east from the Ranch]

I love the evenings in Mexico. After working hard all day in the sun, it feels great to have an evening temp in the low 70's with a small breeze. It's also great because the entire team gets to be together, with all the kids from the ranch.

The second picture gives you a good idea of what our evenings look like. There are lots of things to do during this time...playing basketball with the kids, playing on the huge playgrounds with the kids and just relaxing! After the kids go down to bed, our group usually starts up some card games. So, if you have a deck of cards, be sure to bring them!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

12 days til week one lifts off

Remember to wear your Mexico t-shirt while traveling. It makes it easier to find you when you get lost. (just kidding moms)

Also, remember that it is going to be hot, hot, hot! The average temp this week is 97 degrees. The humidity is always really low, so it's a different type of heat than here in Maryland...which is both hot and sticky. Be prepared. Bring your sunblock!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Some people get up really, really early and head out to a nearby cross that sits on top of a hill. They watch the sunrise and have some personal devos out there.
Me, on the other hand...uhhh, I have never made it out there. I can't bring myself to get out of bed that early on a Missions Trip.

I like sleep. It's a gift from God. I thank God for it often. My devo will be at 9am with the rest of the crew!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What to pack?

What to pack?
Well, don't pack everything. Only bring what you are able to carry through the airport.

The weather will be in the 90's during the day, and in the 70's at night. So pack with that in mind.

Clothing to Bring:
Work clothes and shoes that you don't mind messing up
Lightweight shirts (they must have the sleeves)
Capris for the girls...shorts for the guys
Sunday clothes (just don't look like bums, alright?)
Modest sleepwear (Yes, this includes you too Mr. Maka)
Work clothes
Sandals or flip-flops for the shower (you need these to step on the roaches running around at your feet)
Pants for dinner outing and other events (preferably without holes or paint stains)
Hat/visor/bandana (especially if you're bald like me)

Other Items to Bring
Bible, Journal, Pen
Camera & batteries
Toiletries – shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturizer/lotion, etc.
Chapstick (sunny and windy = dry lips)
Water bottle (we'll actually give you one...but bring one if you prefer your own)
Any medications you may need – Tylenol, aspirin, Advil, Pepto Bismol (No offense meant here Brittany)
Strong sunscreen (at least 30 SPF...if you find 300 SPF, buy it!)
Favorite card games or small board games for free time
Sleeping Bag/Bed Sheets (twin)
Towel & washcloth (what guy uses washcloths anyway, Mr. Maresco maybe?)
Cell Phone & charger
Cash for snacks in the airport

What to Leave at Home:
Books, magazines, or music that aren't Christ-centered and God glorifying (that means all secular music on your iPod)
T-shirts with questionable slogans or advertisements (e.g. beer or concert T-shirts)
Hairdryers/curling irons (sorry ladies...well, actually, no I'm not)
Tank tops – GUYS: this includes you!
Multiple sets of earrings (girls, only one pair allowed...and they must be in the ear lobe)

For those who have been before, what am I missing?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What is significant about the number 21?

This is a picture from last year's VBS. Julie (or someone else), can you explain what these bags are all about?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Car Wash Cancelled

Hey everyone...just in case you were planning to go get your ride cleaned, please know that the car wash was canceled.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hello? Check one, two, three

Is this mic on?

Alrighty, let's do a sound off. Please reply in the comment section RIGHT NOW after you have read this.

If there are only 3 people reading this blog, I'm going to stop doing it!!

Border crossing stories

Alrighty everyone...I'm going to need some participation here. Read and respond, especially if you've been before.

Crossing the border back into the US can be an intimidating event. You pull up to the gate, and there is tons of activity all around you. There are dogs, cameras, tons of armed police officers, snipers, big X-ray machines for cars, cement barriers, etc. When you get up to the big moment, the border patrol police will simply ask you one question. Only one question. It's a simple question...but ironically, it can be a hard question. If you get it right, you're fine and you walk right through. If you get it wrong, people will laugh at you (including me), and then you'll get pulled out of line to answer more questions. It never fails that someone will answer incorrectly, no matter how many times I prompt you how to answer.

The border patrol officer will simply ask, "Citizenship?"

Now, granted, it is kind of confusing...first of all, they don't really make it sound like a question, but they simply state the word. Second, you are left wondering what they mean. What they really mean is "Where is your citizenship?"

Alright, so here is the answer you need to know...the only thing you need to say in that moment is simply "The United States"...or "the US" would even work just fine. Easy, right?!?!

However, it cracks me up to hear all the different ways people answer the overly simplistic, very difficult question of "Citizenship?"

What are some wrong answers to the question of "Citizenship?"

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Border crossing with Brew

I was waiting behind Dean in line to cross the border into the US. I was in a rented Toyota Sienna van. In my van, the gear shifter thingy is to the right of the steering wheel...but in this van, the gear shifter thingy is on the center console, and to the right of the steering wheel is the windshield wipers.
Well, the guard let Dean right through. It was my turn. The guard was inspecting the car like they normally do, but right when he got next to the drivers side door, I went to put the car in park, except instead of grabbing the gear shifter, I accidentally grabbed the windshield wiper handle instead. The border crossing policeman was in the wrong spot at the wrong time. I totally sprayed him with windshield wiper fluid. I got him good. His friends were all laughing at him. Of course it was an accident, and I immediately apologized to the officer...but it was too late.

Needless to say, we had to get out of the car for a more thorough examination. I am a moron.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Hey everyone. We are still raising money for the baby home this summer! There will be a car wash THIS SATURDAY to raise money for our project this summer. Please bring your car by and throw in a donation, and spread the news.

Saturday, June 13
from 9:30 to 2:00

Liberty Gas Station
19205 Watkins Mill Rd
Montgomery Village

All Donations will go to the
Rancho 3M Orphanage in Juarez, Mexico

Monday, June 8, 2009


This year we will be going through the book of Philippians in our devotional times together. These are always great moments together as a team. Each morning, in the coolest part of the day, we gather together for worship, and group devotion (led by a Sr/Jr guy on the trip), which leads into a private time of devotions. Its always cool to see how the Lord teaches something different to each person through their experience on a Missions Trip. Some people learn contentment, or joy, or gratitude. Some are overwhelmed by God's kindness especially revealed in the gospel. Some are really struck by the diversity of the Kingdom of God. Whatever it is that the Lord will do in your heart this week, be prepared to listen and seek him. That is why these morning times are such a important time of our day together!

Here is a snapshot of what you can expect from the book of Philippians! Can't wait to study this book together!

Tuesday morning
Text: Phil 1
Memory verse for the group: Phil 1:21
Topic to focus on: Displaying Christ with every part of our lives

Wednesday morning
Text: Phil 2:1-11
Memory verse for the group: Phil 2:3 – 4
Topic to focus on: Christ’s example of humility and servanthood at the cross

Thursday morning
Text: Phil 2: 12-30
Memory verse for the group: Phil 2:14
Topic to focus on: Joy and gratitude in Christ

Friday morning
Text: Phil 3
Memory verse for the group: Phil 3:7
Topic to focus on: Christ is our greatest pursuit…nothing on earth will satisfy

Saturday morning
Text: Phil 4
Memory verse for the group: 4:4-7
Topic to focus on: Rejoicing in the Lord

Saturday, June 6, 2009


The meeting tomorrow is in the Spurgeon room. (I told you on the blog it was the Edwards, but I was wrong).

You should have received an email about this already. See you all there!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Mexico Meeting THIS Sunday

I've been a bum in updating this blog. Sorry about that...its been a crazy couple weeks.

Just a reminder that we have a Mexico meeting this Sunday at 2pm in the Edwards room. It should last no longer than 90 minutes! Thanks for making this a priority!

See you then!