Thursday, May 21, 2009

As you can see from the map, right now, the temp in Mexico is pretty nice. However, when we get there in July, it's going to be HOT! I've heard people say, "Yeah, but it's dry heat". True, but I don't by it. The reality is that it is HOT!

Be sure to bring your hat and sunscreen, and be sure to apply that sunscreen a couple times a day. I'll be putting it on 5 times a day because my bald head gets burned quickly!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Things not to carry on to a plane...

Years ago, we were traveling back to Maryland from the second week of the Missions Trip. I was making my way through El Paso airport, and found myself approaching the security gate. This is where you have to walk through the metal detector...and then for those unfortunate passengers, you have to empty all your belongings onto a table while police and security guards go through your stuff. I found myself in line behind Janice Mays and Grace Apolenis, who were both seniors at the time. So, the three of us start talking back and forth while waiting to go through the security check point.
Janice passes through without a problem. Then came Grace's turn. Much to her surprise, after looking at her carry on bag through the X-ray machine, they asked her to step aside. Janice and I watched with curiosity. They placed her bag on the table and asked if the bag belonged to her.
The policeman opened the bag...and much to all our surprise, he pulled out a dry wall knife. Grace had forgotten that she placed this knife in her bag back on the construction site, and now it appeared to the police she was trying to bring it on the plane. Janice and I started laughing out loud, and when the policeman looked up and asked Grace, "Does this knife belong to you?", in a wonderful moment of pastoral leadership, I took a step back and jokingly said, "Sir, she is NOT with me."

Are there any other suggestions of things to NOT try to bring on the plane?

Monday, May 11, 2009


Thanks for everyone who participated in the offering this past Saturday night! We are currently tallying the money, and we will let you know soon what we took in! I pray this money is used well and goes to saving the lives of children in Mexico.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sea la Gloria Solo a Ti

Hey everyone!

One of the great things we will all experience in Mexico is singing songs in Spanish. If you are like me, it can be pretty hard at first. Whenever I am in a group singing a song in Spanish, I gravitate towards trying to sing it simultaneously in English. It doesn't work out to well. However, we don't have to have this problem anymore because Sovereign Grace just released an all-Spanish worship CD with songs that we know!

I'd encourage all of you to grab yourself a copy of this CD, and listen to it a lot so you can familiarize yourself with the songs. I'm encouraging you to do this so we can all fully participate in the worship with the kids at the Ranch during VBS! It will go a long way.

You can pick up the CD in the bookstore at CLC or you can buy it online for download at Sovereign Grace's website.

Julie will let you all know soon how she will be using this CD during VBS.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mexico t-shirts!!!!!

This Saturday, at the 10:31 meeting, will be the last call to get your official Mexico Missions Trip 2009 t-shirt! They are $15, and all the proceeds will go to the baby orphanage this summer! If you haven't purchased one yet, please get one!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Prayer for Andy Tvardzik

On Mondays, I will give you all things to be praying for in preparation for our trip.

As many of you all know, Andy is currently drawing up the construction plans for the baby orphanage we will be building this summer. He is consulting with a number of people on the project, and has donated his free time to make this project happen. This is no small project. Please pray for God's grace to be with him as he makes preparations for this summer!

Andy, please know our gratefulness! We will be praying for you this month!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine flu update

Someone asked me if the missions trip was still on, because they heard that it is being canceled. Well, that is not true. Like I said in a previous post, we will keep a close eye on the spread of the virus, but for now, it is looking like it will NOT impact our trip in any way.

The AP reported that "Mexican officials were cautiously optimistic Saturday that the worst of the swine flu epidemic is over for Mexico, with no new flu deaths reported overnight. But the virus keeps spreading around the world, with new cases confirmed in Europe and Asia, and some governments banning flights and preparing quarantines for travelers from Mexico."

Keep in mind, when news reports say "Mexico", they mean Mexico City. Mexico City is 1500 miles away from Guadalupe. In fact, there are NO reported cases of swine flu in or around El Paso/Guadalupe for hundreds of miles. Ironically, it looks like there are more swine flu cases in the DC area (8 confirmed cases) then there are in the El Paso area (0 confirmed cases).

So, like I've said before, we will keep a close eye on this flu virus, and you will hear directly from me if anything changes.

I hope this helps! And I am glad that indicators look as if the swine flu is being contained.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Mexico t-shirts!!!!!

This Saturday, at the 10:31 meeting, will be the last call to get your official Mexico Missions Trip 2009 t-shirt! They are $15, and all the proceeds will go to the baby orphanage this summer! If you haven't purchased one yet, please get one!


The youth care group I lead will be selling donuts in the lobby this Sunday. All proceeds will go to the baby orphanage for our trip this summer! Please come hungry!